While Earth Day is only one day a year, we as pet owners should strive to be more sustainable and eco-conscious daily. In addition to composting and limiting the amount of electricity you use, there are simple steps you can take to being a more sustainable pet owner. And, lucky for you, we here at Good Hound Company have selected our favorites.
1). Clean up your waste properly
This might seem like a no brainer, but it is important to clean up after your pup after he or she does their business. While this is perfectly natural, waste can carry diseases and contaminate the water supply. Always bring extra poop bags on walks and dispose of properly.
Pro-Tip: Carry your poop bags (and your keys) in this clutch that attaches to your pup’s leash.
2). Invest in sustainable food
Raw diets and treats are easy ways to start incorporating more sustainable foods. Supporting local pet treat brands is another way to not only support your community, but also be more eco-conscious. However, before changing anything in your pet’s diet, you should consult your veterinarian.
3). Take more walks
Not only is walking a great way to get you and your pup moving, it also cuts down on the carbon emissions from cars and other vehicles. Next time you need to pick up supplies, try walking with your pup to your local pet supply store. It’s a win-win for you and your pet!
4). Purchase sustainable and handmade toys and other products
Large factories and mass produced goods often create an excess of carbon emissions. By purchasing products that are sustainably-made, made locally or made of recycled materials, you are supporting a more environmentally friendly future.
Want to start purchasing sustainable goods right away? Good Hound Company’s Second Chance bandana collection uses recycled fabric to make upcycled, one-of-a-kind bandanas. Not only will the bandana be as unique as your pet, but it is the perfect way to incorporate “reduce, reuse, recycle” into your life.
We at Good Hound Company are constantly striving to be more sustainable with our products and processes, right down to the details of our packaging. From our eco-friendly, organic cotton, 100% biodegradable hand-stamped bags (reuse it as a treat bag!), to our business cards made from recycled T-shirt fabric, to our woven tags made with a minimum of 50% recycled yarn. No matter how you spend your Earth Day, consider making simple changes for the betterment of our planet. After all, we only have one.
By Kat Best, contributor
About Good Hound Company
Good Hound Company was founded in 2017 by Brit Matyas while she was living in her quaint, one-bedroom apartment above a pub in Shorewood, Wisconsin. With pets, their owners and sustainability in mind, many of Good Hound Company’s goods are made from recycled or vintage materials, including our packaging which is made from 100% recycled material. Good Hound Company contributes directly to supporting local dog rescue + protection organizations through advocacy efforts and by providing them with vital funding for the ongoing care of animals in need. We're driven by community and often team up with small businesses we love and other like-minded makers. It is our goal to invest back into the community that has given us so much support.